Our wealth of experience allows the attorneys at Starr Finley to effectively represent both buyers and sellers in all phases of the acquisition and sale of large and small properties. We’ve been involved in a myriad of transactions, many of them complex, and are able to respond quickly and appropriately to each situation.
The purchase and disposition of large assets, such as a mixed-use development or shopping mall, are often complicated and can present unique problems. By understanding the issues often associated with these transactions and recognizing our client’s needs, we effectively ensure that our clients get the best and most appropriate advice and direction. For those instances when a specialist is required, we have a network of experts at our disposal.
Our attorneys possess significant intellectual capital in tax matters related to our real estate practice areas and employ sophisticated structuring techniques to maximize our client’s business and tax advantages. We are also well-versed in matters related to these transactions, such as tax-deferred exchanges, installment sales, and options. For development and land-use issues, we regularly prepare reciprocal easement agreements and easements where there are multiple contiguous properties owned by multiple independent owners.